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ElementFactory Class
Class for generated mutable AML objects
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Innovator.Client
Assembly: Innovator.Client (in Innovator.Client.dll) Version: 2016.1.15.1759 (2016.01.15.1759)
public class ElementFactory

The ElementFactory type exposes the following members.

Public methodElementFactory
Initializes a new instance of the ElementFactory class
Public propertyLocalizationContext
Context for serializing/deserializing native types (e.g. DateTime, double, boolean, etc.)
Public methodAction
Create a new action attribute tag
Public methodAml
Create a new AML tag (for use with the ApplyAML method)
Public methodAnd
Create a logical or AML tag used with 'get' queries
Public methodAttribute(String)
Create a new attribute tag with the specified name
Public methodAttribute(String, Object)
Create a new attribute tag with the specified name and value
Public methodClassification
Create a new classification property
Public methodCondition
Create a new condition attribute
Public methodConfigId
Create a new config_id property
Public methodCreatedById
Create a new created_by_id property
Public methodCreatedOn
Create a new created_on property
Public methodCss
Create a new css property
Public methodCurrentState
Create a new current_state property
Public methodDoGetItem
Create a new doGetItem attribute tag
Public methodElement
Create a generic AML tag given a name and the content
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFormatAmlValue
Public methodFromXml(String)
Return a result from an AML string
Public methodFromXml(XmlNode)
Return a result from an AML node
Public methodFromXml(Stream, String, IConnection)
Return a result from an AML stream indicating that it is the result of a query performed on a specific connection
Public methodFromXml(String, String, IConnection)
Return a result from an AML string indicating that it is the result of a query performed on a specific connection
Public methodFromXml(XmlNode, String, IConnection)
Return a result from an AML node indicating that it is the result of a query performed on a specific connection
Public methodGeneration
Create a new generation property
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodId
Create a new where id attribute
Public methodIdList
Create a new idlist attribute
Public methodIdProp
Create a new id property
Public methodIsCurrent
Create a new is_current property
Public methodIsNull
Create a new is_null attribute
Public methodIsReleased
Create a new is_released property
Public methodItem
Create a new Item AML tag
Public methodKeyedName
Create a new keyed_name property
Public methodLockedById
Create a new locked_by_id property
Public methodMajorRev
Create a new major_rev property
Public methodManagedById
Create a new managed_by_id property
Public methodMaxRecords
Create a new maxRecords attribute
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMinorRev
Create a new minor_rev property
Public methodModifiedById
Create a new modified_by_id property
Public methodModifiedOn
Create a new modified_on property
Public methodNewId
Generate a new GUID id
Public methodNewVersion
Create a new new_version property
Public methodNoItemsFoundException(String)
Creates a 'No items found' exception
Public methodNoItemsFoundException(String, Exception)
Creates a 'No items found' exception
Public methodNoItemsFoundException(String, String)
Creates a 'No items found' exception
Public methodNot
Create a logical not AML tag used with 'get' queries
Public methodNotLockable
Create a new not_lockable property
Public methodOr
Create a logical or AML tag used with 'get' queries
Public methodOrderBy
Create a new orderBy attribute
Public methodOwnedById
Create a new owned_by_id property
Public methodPage
Create a new page attribute
Public methodPageSize
Create a new pagesize attribute
Public methodPermissionId
Create a new permission_id property
Public methodProperty
Create a new property tag with the specified name
Public methodQueryDate
Create a new queryDate attribute
Public methodQueryType
Create a new queryType attribute
Public methodRelatedExpand
Create a new related_expand attribute
Public methodRelatedId
Create a new related_id property
Public methodRelationships
Create a new Relationships tag
Public methodResult
Create a new Result AML tag
Public methodSelect(String)
Create a new select attribute
Public methodSelect(SubSelect)
Create a new select attribute
Public methodServerEvents
Create a new serverEvents attribute
Public methodServerException(String)
Create a new server exception
Public methodServerException(String, Exception)
Create a new server exception
Public methodSourceId
Create a new source_id property
Public methodState
Create a new state property
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodType
Create a new type attribute
Public methodTypeId
Create a new typeID attribute
Public methodValidationException(String, IReadOnlyItem, String)
Create a new validation exception
Public methodValidationException(String, IReadOnlyItem, String)
Create a new validation exception
Public methodValidationException(String, Exception, IReadOnlyItem, String)
Create a new validation exception
Public methodValidationException(String, Exception, IReadOnlyItem, String)
Create a new validation exception
Public methodWhere
Create a new where attribute
Public fieldStatic memberLocal
Generate a new factory assuming the local time zone and culture
var aml = conn.AmlContext;
// --- OR ---
var aml = ElementFactory.Local;

IItem myItem = aml.Item(aml.Type(myType), aml.Action(myAction));
IResult myResult = aml.Result(resultText);
ServerException = aml.ServerException(errorMessage);
See Also