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IReadOnlyResult Interface
Represents a read-only result of an Aras query that can either be a string, an exception, or zero or more items

Namespace: Innovator.Client
Assembly: Innovator.Client (in Innovator.Client.dll) Version: 2016.1.15.1759 (2016.01.15.1759)
public interface IReadOnlyResult : IAmlNode

The IReadOnlyResult type exposes the following members.

Public propertyException
Return an exception (if there is one), otherwise, return null
Public propertyValue
Return the string value of the result
Public methodAssertItem
Return a single item. If that is not possible, throw an appropriate exception (e.g. the exception returned by the server where possible)
Public methodAssertItems
Return an enumerable of items. Throw an exception for any error including 'No items found'
Public methodAssertNoError
Do nothing other than throw an exception if there is an error other than 'No Items Found'
Public methodItems
Return an enumerable of items. Throw an exception if there is an error other than 'No Items Found'
Public methodToAml
Render the node to a string
(Inherited from IAmlNode.)
Public methodToAml(XmlWriter)
Write the node to the specified XmlWriter
(Inherited from IAmlNode.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodToXml
Renders an AML node to XML
(Defined by ItemExtensions.)
See Also