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Condition Enumeration
Possible value for the condition attribute of a property for an AML get query

Namespace: Innovator.Client
Assembly: Innovator.Client (in Innovator.Client.dll) Version: 2016.1.15.1759 (2016.01.15.1759)
public enum Condition
  Member nameValueDescription
Undefined0Not specified
Between1SQL between
Equal2Is equal to
GreaterThan3Is greather than
GreaterThanEqual4Is greather than or equal to
In5Is in a list of values or a subselect
Is6Is X where X is either null or not null
IsNotNull7Is not null
IsNull8Is null
LessThan9Is less than
LessThanEqual10Is less or equal to
Like11Matches the pattern
NotEqual12Is equal to
NotBetween13Is between
NotIn14Is not in the list or subselect
NotLike15Does not match the pattern
See Also